GOEREE, Willem, Anweisung zur algemeinen Reiss- und Zeichen-Kunst darinnen die Gründe und Eigenschafften die man einen unfehlbahren Vestand in der Zeichen-Kunst zu erlangen nothwendig wissen muß kürßlich und doch klärlich angewiesen werde. Nicht allein den anfahenden Zeichern Kupfferstechern Mahlern Glasschreibern Bildhauern und dergleichen Künstlern zur Anleitung sondern auch allen Liebhabern beydes dieser und anderer daraus entspriessenden Künste zur Lust und Erlangung so vieler Erkäntnüß als von dergleichen Künsten vernünfftig zu urtheilen erfordert wird dienstlich und nüßlich Durch Wilhelm Goeree. Zum andern Mahl gedruckt und fast umb die Helffte vermehret, trad. par LANGE, Johann, Hamburg, Johann Naumann und Georg Wolffen, 1677.
Willem Goeree (Middelburg 1635 – Amsterdam 1711) was the son of the prominent physician and theologian Hugo Willem Goeree. In 1665 he married Elisabeth Janssonius van Waesberge, daughter of the important Amsterdam publisher Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge. At the time of his marriage, he was a bookseller and initially his Middelburg bookshop functioned as a branch of his father-in-law’s publishing house. Amongst their collaborative publications we find a re-edition of Franciscus Junius’ Schilderkunst der Ouden (Begin, heerlijcke voortgangh. en grootdadigh vermogen der wijdberoemde schilderkonst der antycken, 1675). After his marriage, Willem Goeree started to publish books himself. In 1680, the couple moved to Amsterdam and Goeree collaborated more closely with his father-in-law. However, in 1681 Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge died, as did Goeree’s wife in 1683 and the relationship with his brothers-in-law soon grew bad and all collaboration ended. Willem Goeree’s son Jan (1670-1731) studied with Gerard de Lairesse and became a draughtsman and engraver. He produced many illustrations and frontispieces for books. His other two sons Willem and David continued the Goeree publishing house after their father’s death until 1732. [For more information on Goeree’s life and work as a publisher, see: KWAKKELSTEIN, 1998.]
As an author, Goeree published on art and (the history of) religion. In 1668, he published Verlichterie-kunde of recht gebruyck der water-verwen. The book was bounded in the same volume as the Inleydinge tot de Al-ghemeene Teycken-Konst, also written by Goeree. In 1670, the Inleydingh tot de practijck der al-gemeene Schilder-Konst followed. Willem Goeree had the intention to write a six-volume magnum opus on the Art of Painting. In the preface to the reader in the Inleydingh tot de practijck der al-gemeene Schilder-konst of 1670, he writes that, apart from the volumes on Drawing and Painting, this book – which he calls “onse geheele Schilderkonst” – would consist of books on Perspective, Anatomy, Architecture, Composition and Invention (“Ordineeringh and Inventeeringh”) and Light and Colour (“…de kracht en Eygenschap der schaduwen, dagen, reflexien en houdinge en wat verder in ‘t coloreeren waer te nemen state, door Wiskundige figueren te betoogen”) and was intended to assist and improve artistic instruction. The Verlichterie-kunde was not part of this series. Only two of the envisioned other volumes were published: one on Architecture (d’Algemeene Bouwkunde volgens d’Antyke en Hedendaagse Manier, 1681) and the other on Anatomy (Natuurlyk en Schilderkonstig Ontwerp der Menschkunde, 1682). Goeree stated in the latter that he had written the volume on composition, but it was never published.
The Inleydinge tot de Al-ghemeene Teycken-Konst was first published in 1668 in Middelburg. Two years later, Goeree published a second edition. For this edition, the text is enlarged, re-organized and considerably richer. Goeree added many references and citations to ancient authors, likely mainly with the use of Franciscus Junius’ Schilderkonst der Oude (1641). The book had three other editions (1697, 1705 and 1739). The first edition of 1668 was bound together with Goeree’s Verlichterie-kunde.
Within a few years of tis first publication, the book appeared in English (1674, based on the first Dutch edition) and German. The first German translation, based on the first Dutch edition, appeared in 1669 (translated by Philip von Zesen), a second German translation, based on the second Dutch edition, was published in 1677 (translated by Johann Langen).
Goeree discusses the Art of Drawing as an important part of the instruction of painters. The treatise is very practical in nature. The book is divided into eleven chapters, discussing different elements and levels of the instruction. [For a detailed description of the text, see KWAKKELSTEIN, 1998.]
practical notes
The analysis is based on the second Dutch edition of 1670, instead of the first edition of 1668. The reason for this decision is both scientific (Goeree revised the first edition) and practical (the availability of a digitized version).
For the German, the analysis is based on the second edition of 1677 and not the first of 1669. (For the first edition, translated by Philipp von Zezen, see : Claudine MOULIN, "lebendig mit Farben mahlen - Verfahren der lexicalischen Innovation in Philipp von Zezen Übersetzung von Willem Goeree, ‚Anweisung zur allgemeineen Reis-und Zeichenkunst‘ (1669)", in NIEVERGELGT, Andreas, RÜBEKEIL, Ludwig, Raum und Sprache. Festschrift für Elvira Glaser zum 65. Geburtstag, [Germanistische Bibliothek, Bd. 66], Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019, p. 246-261.
The edition of 1677 was based on the second Dutch edition and was bound together [PDF 187-342] with the translation of Schilder-konst [PDF 9-185] and of the Verlichterie-kunde [PDF 343-468].
Marije Osnabrugge: analysis of the text, selection of citations and terms, translation of citations into English, practical elaboration
An dem günstigen Leser
- Vorrede an dem gunstigen Leser, p. *1-*2
- Was die Zeichen-Kunst sey und worin dieselbe bestehe, p. 1-21
- Von den ersten Anfängen der Mahler-Kunst, p. 21-49
- Von den Dingen die bey jedweder Staffel der Zeichen-Kunst nothwendig in acht zu nehmen seyn, p. 49-67
- Zu der dritten Staffel, nemlich zu den Nach-Zeichnen der in Wachs oder in andern Dingen gebildeten oder gegossenen Rundwercke, p. 67-103
- Von der Handlung und Weise die man im Zeichnen gebrauchen muss, p. 103-113
- Von dem ganzen oder allgemeinen und seinen Theilen und wie dieselben angesehen und verstanden werden müssen, p. 113-121
- Wie man flach, kantig und schnell zeichnen soll, p. 121-127
- Von den Erhohenheiten, p. 127-129
- Wiederschein, p. 129-131
- Das Verschiessen oder Perspectiv der Dunckelheit und des Lichts, p. 131-135
- Von den Umbzügen oder Uberrissen derer Losigkeit und des Wolstandes beneben der Bewahrung der Theile, u.s.s., p. 135-144
- Von den Uberzeichnen und Aussführen, p. 144-152
GOEREE, Willem, Inleydinge tot de al-gemeene teycken-konst, waer in de Gronden en Eygenschappen, tie tot onfeylbaer en verstandigh begrijp van de Teycken-Konst noodigh te weten zijn, kortelijck en klaer werden aen-ghewese. Zijnde niet alleen den Leerlingen van Teyckenaers, Schilders, Glas-schijvers, Beeldt-houwers, en andere Oeffenaers tot een aenleydinge nut en dienstigh, maer oock om aen alle Lief-hebbers, en Beminners, soo van Dese, als van andere Konsten (daer uyt vooort-komende,) een bescheydene kennisse mede te deelen. Door Wilhelmus Goeree. Achter welcke noch is by-gevoeght, het recht ghebruyck der Water-verwen, tot de Verlichtery-Kunde noodigh, &c, Middelburg, Wilhelmus Goeree, 1668.
GOEREE, Willem, Inleydinge tot de algemeene teyken-konst : waar in de gronden en eygenschappen, die tot onfeylbaar en verstandig begrijp van de teyken-konst noodig te weten zijn, kort en klaar worden aangewesen. Zijnde niet alleen den Leerlingen der Teyken- en Schilderkunde, Beeldhouwerye en Glasschrijfkunde, tot een aanleydine nut en Dienstig, maar ook om aan alle Liefhebbers en Beminnaars, soo van Dese, als van alle andere konsten (daer uyt voort-komende) een bescheyden Kennisse mede te deelen. Door W. Goeree. In desen derden Druk, van nieuws oversien en vermeerderd, Amsterdam, Daniel van Dalen, 1697.
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