PRINT (n.)
The foundation of Proportion consists in severall particular figures, by which I would have you enter your Drawings ; as the Circle, Ovall, Square, Trangle, Cilinder : Each of these have their effects. […].
{How to draw by Copyes.} Begin your Example, by a Copie or Print, of those severall forms of figures ; as the Sun, full-Moon, […].
{Of severall members of the body.} Then, practise by severall members of the body ; in some Print ; as the Eare, Eye, […].
{Head and shoulders.} The next is by a Print, or Copy of a Head and shoulders of a Man or Woman, […].
Conceptual field(s)
{Most Pictures are Copied by Gravings.} Now, though we name these, as other Artizans, for draughts, and to be met with in Prints ; you must know that they were Painters, and for the most part, wrought their Pieces first, by designe, and draught, with blacke and white Chalkes in little ; […].
So shall you have, two or three, or more, severall Names oft-times, set to the Print ; the Designer, the Painter, the Graver, and sometime the Printer. Our excelllent Artists in Graving are, Father Lambert, Hollar, Vaughan, Trevethen, Gay-wood, Crosse.
CROSS, Thomas
GAYWOOD, Richard
HOLLAR, Wenceslas
LOMBARD, Lambert
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We do farher add, that for this reason, copies are in Prints much more easily detected, then in paintings ; and by consequence, more facile also to imitate, as using all one kind of Instrument, and fewer ways of expression : But if there be a difficulty in it, thosewhich are Etched in A. F. [n.d.r. : Aqua Forti ] make it most conspicuous ; both because the nature of the plates, and quality of the Waters, and their operations, may sometimes fall out to be so very unlike : But, to discern an Original print from a Copy print (not to speak of such plates as have been retouch’d, and therefore of little value) is a knack very easily attain’d ; because’tis almost impossible to imitate every hatch, and to make the stroaks of exact and equal dimensions, where every the least defect, or flaw in the Copper it self, is sufficient to detect and betray the Imposture, as in that little Descent from the cross of Hanibal Carraccio (already mention’d) is perspicuous, and which it were absolutely impossible to conterfeit. In the mean time, such as are profound, and well knowing, do establish their Judgments upon other particulars of the Art, and the very handling it self.
CARRACHE, Annibale, Descente de croix (gravure d'après)
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In the mean time, what a Treasury of excellent things might by this expedient [n.d.r. « prints », « pictures »] be conveyed, and impressed into the waxen Tables and Imaginations of children ; seeing, there is nothing more preposterous, then to force those things into the Eare, which are visible, and the proper objects of the eye, For picture, is a kind of Universal Language, how diverse soever the tongues and vocal expressions of the several Nations which speak them may appear ; Solet enim pictura tacens loqui, maximeque prodesse, as Nazianzen has it.
So as if ever, by this is that long though for Art most likely to be accomplish’d : Nor can any words whatever hope to reach those descriptions, which in a numberlesse sort of things, pictures do’s immediately, and as it were at one glance, interpret to the meanest of capacities : (...).
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IX. To the former add good Copies, Patterns, and Examples of good Pictures, and other draughts, without which it is almost impossible, that the young Artist should ever attain to any perfection in this Art.
We have wholly pretermitted these for brevity sake, but those that desire to be furnished with any excellent Patterns, Copies or Prints, may have of all sorts, whether of humane shape, perspective design, Landskip, Fowls, Beasts, Fishes, Insects, Plants, Countries, or any other Artificial figures, exquisitely drawn, at very reasonable rates, [...].
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Is the Impression of a Graven or Wooden Plate upon Paper or Silk, Representing some Piece that it has been Graved after.
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The several Manners of the Painters consequently are to be known, whether in Pictures, or Drawings ; as also those of the Gravers in Copper, or Wood, Etchers, or others by whom Prints are made, if we have a sufficient quantity of their Works to form our Judgments upon.
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And as the Description of a Picture is a part of the History of the Master, a Copy, or a Print after such a one may be consider’d as a more Exact, and Perfect Description of it than can be given by Words ; These are of great Advantage, in giving us an Idea of the Manner of Think-of that Master, and this in proportion as such a Print, or Copy happens to be. And there is One Advantage which these have in This matter, which even the Works themselves have not ; And that is, In Those commonly their Other Qualities divert, and divide our Attention, and perhaps Sometimes Byass us in their favour throughout ;
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Prints whether Grav’d in Metal, or Wood, Etch’d or Mezzo-Tincto are a sort of Works done in such a Manner as is not so proper as that whereby Paintings, or Drawings are performed, it not being possible by It to make any thing so Excellent as in the Others. But This way of Working is Chosen upon Other Accounts, such as that thereby great Numbers are produced instead of One, so that the thing comes into Many hands ; and that at an Easy Price.
Of Prints there are two Kinds : Such as are done by the Masters themselves whose Invention the Work is ; and such as are done by Men not pretending to Invent, but only to Coppy (in Their way) Other men’s Works.
The Latter sort of Prints are always profess’d Coppies with respect to the Invention, Composition, Manner of Designing, Grace, and Greatness. But These Prints may be also Coppied as they frequently are, and to know what are So, and what are Orignals is by being well acquainted with the Hands of the Graver, or Etcher, who in This respect are the Masters, as the Painter from whom They Coppied were to them.
The Former Sort may again be Subdivised into three Kinds. I. Those they have done after a Painting of their Own. 2. Those done after a Drawing also done by Themselves, or Lastly what is Design’d upon the Plate, which has been Somtimes done especially in Etching. The Ist of these are Coppies after their Own Works ; and so may the 2d, or they may not, according as the Drawing they have made previously to it happens to be : but Both are so but in Part ; what is Thus done being a Different way of Working. But if it be Design’d on the Plate ‘tis a kind of Drawing (as the Others are) tho’ in a Manner Different from the rest, but ‘tis purely, and properly Original.
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The Excellence of a Print, as of a Drawing consists not particularly in the Handling ; This is but One, and even one of the Least considerable parts of it : ‘tis the Invention, the Grace, and Greatness, and those Principal things that in the first place are to be regarded. There is better Graving, a finer Burin in many Worthless Prints than in those of Marc Antonio, but those of Him that come after Raffaele are Generally more esteem’d than even those which are Grav’d by the Masters themselves ;
Conceptual field(s)
Sometimes the Structure of a Picture, or the Tout-Ensemble of its Form, shall resemble dark Clouds on a Light Ground ; As in two Assumptions of the Virgin by Bolswert after Rubens ; indeed a part of These are such Clouds : But in both of them the Figures of these Masses are something too Indistinct. Le Brun in a Ceiling of the same Subject, grav’d, by young Simconneau, has put a Group of Angels, which almost hide the cloudy Voiture of the Virgin ; but this mass is too Regular, and Heavy a Shape. I refer you to Prints, because they are easy to be got, and explain This matter as well as Drawings, or Pictures, and in some Respects Better.