Het Hair vande jonge Kinderen, salmen als der jonge Vrouwen en Maeghden aenleggen, doch daer altijt wel in acht nemen, de verschillige Colorijten die in deselve komen te vallen; als namentlijck dat d’een veel Geelder, Bruynder, Vaelder, Blonter, ofte Swarter en Graeuwer als d’ander is; ’t welckmen moet navolgen met de Temperantie der Verwen, om het leven best te treffen, ’t welck den Konst-Oeffenaer moet aenmercken, en in sijn doen gheduerigh overwegen, op dat hy niet en doe als den Onverstandigen Landtman die sijn ploeg altijt inde oude vore stelt;
[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] The hair of young Children, should be build up as that of young Women and Maidens, yet one should always pay attention to the different Colorings that occur in it; namely that the one is much more Yellow, Brown, Pale, Blond, Black or Gray than the other; wich one should imitate with the Mixing of Colors, to best approach the life, which the Art-Practitioner should remark and consider continually, so that he does not act like the Unwise Farmer who always puts his plow in the old furrow;
The chapter on hair (chapter five in the Dutch edition of 1670 and chapter four in the English translation) is much more succinct in the English translation. The section selected here is missing. [MO]