1 sources
1 quotations


Wy hebben voor desen {Lib. i, Cap. iii. 9.} uyt Arriani Epictetus aenghewesen dat dese onvertsaeghde vrymoedigheyt der ghenen eyghen is die haer selven bewust sijn datse in eenighe Konsten boven andere uytmunten. Dies moghen wy oock in ’t minste niet twijfelen of ’t grootste en ’t goede ghevoelen ’t welck d’aller treffelickste Meesters van haere eygene wercken hadden, heeft grootlicks ghestreckt tot voorderingh der Konste, want gelijck een roeckelooslick verwaende laetdunckenheyd de Konst aen d’eenesijde dapper te rugghe stelt, soo en ist aen d’andere sijde niet moghelick dat ons d’aller volmaeckste Konst, den noestighsten arbeyd, ja den spoedigsten voord-gang selver eenigh voordeel soude bybrenghen sonder ’t behulp van een bescheydene ende stand-vastige vrymoedigheyd;

[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] We have previously {…} pointed out from Arrianus' Epictetus that this undaunted confidence is typical for those who are conscious that they excel in some Arts over others. As such we may not doubt in the least or the grand and good feeling which the most respectable Master had of their own work, has abundantly led to progress of the Art, because like a reckless conceited arrogance on the one hand quickly turns his back on the Art, as such it is impossible on the other hand that the most perfect Art, the diligent labor, would then contribute any advantage to the promptly progress without the help of a modest and steady confidence;

Junius reflects on the value of ‘vrijmoedigheid’ (confidence) as a characteristic of an artist. He concludes that many artists, who are aware that they surpass others in their profession, possess this quality. Confidence is necessary to produce perfect art, work diligently and bring progress to the arts. Junius uses the adjectives modest and steady to describe the right type of confidence, as opposed to arrogance, which has a negative sense. The reference to the words of Epictetus is not included in the Latin (1637) and English edition. [MO]


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