1 sources
1 quotations


’t Blijckt dan dat de hoogh-beroemde deugden van d’oude Meesters daer in voornaemelick bestonden, dat sy de vlugghe beweghinghen van haeren verwarmden geest stoutvaerdighlick naevolghden; even als of haere doorleerde langh-gheoeffende sinnen nerghens op en konden vallen, ’t welck haere ervaerene handen niet en souden vaerdighlick weten uyt te wercken. ’t En is dan gheen wonder dat dese Konsten in voorleden tijden gheweldighlick toenaemen, als de dappere gheesten van groote Meesters met een stoute hand door haer werck ginghen;

[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] It appears that the highly famous virtues of the old Masters consisted mostly in that they imitated the quick movements of their warmed spirit audaciously; just like their trained long-practiced senses could not remark something, which their experienced hands would not know how to express capably. It’s no wonder, then, that these Arts in former times increased tremendously, when the brave spirits of great Masters went through their work with a bold hand;

This comment on the citation from Pliny does not exist in the Latin edition. The English edition is also more concisive here. [MO]


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